Friday, January 31, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Days 81-85 - January 20th-24th

 Kim Tidwell framed by an old adobe dollhouse

Las Cruces has a lot of history rucked away in its back 
corners. Behold a more advanced version of my rickshaw.

From left: Earl Bailey, Beverley Bailey, John Green Bailey, Sudie Bailey, Amanda Bradley Bailey, Vina Victoria Bailey, Sadie Bailey, Vassie Bailey, Mark Bailey, Lidia Bailey, Clara Bailey. My great great great grandparents are on the left side of the photo!

Panorama of Soledad Canyon, a natural gem tucked 
away in the Organ Mountains behind Las Cruces.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Mexico Route and A Call for Letters

Hey all, here's my route through New Mexico: 

 Las Cruces -> Highway 70 -> Alamogordo -> Highway 82 -> Artesia -> Hobbs -> Texas

I'm blowing up with videos which I will try to get out soon. I've had frustratingly limited contact with computers but I know they're out there. Western Texas will be my final point of difficulty in terms of desert walking and sparsity of people, I think (I hope). Once I reach my grandparents' home near San Antonio, I expect the journey's parameters to change dramatically. I hope I meet many more people the further East I travel.

Because there is a solid address I will eventually arrive at in Texas, I also want to put out a call for letters if any of you would like to write to me. I know several of you already have letters pending because I've received pictures of your letters, but the hard copies are also important to me. Send whatever you've got to "Sam Tidwell, 32 Melville St., Boerne, TX 78006." I will read and respond to everything when I arrive in April sometime.

Onward!                         Address correction:
                                    Sam Tidwell
                                    32 Marvil Lee Dr.
                                    Boerne, TX     78006

Day 74 - January 13th