Contact Me

Sam Tidwell
Youtube Channel

Permanent mailing address:
Sam Tidwell
PO Box 1783
Greenfield, CA 93927


  1. Love the blog!!! It shows you spent some time on it! Keep the videos commin', the're the BEST!!!! You make me laugh, so glad to see you so full of joy!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We loved every minute with you, Sam. Here are some photos of your stay with us. I love your laugh!

    1. Thanks Katie! I'm working on putting everything up right now. You and Bob gave me the headstart I needed to get along the road.

  4. I'll send you the photos, and maybe you can post them.

  5. I love you Sam. You're doing great and I'm very proud of you!

  6. every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands - a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. there will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, assurance that you are not alone in the world.

    sidney lovett

    1. Sharon, the quotes you've been sending me are awesome. I need all the words I can get to propel me further! love, sam

  7. We're all rootin' for you here in San Francisco!! Love the blog and videos! Let us know which towns you will be in so we can try to connect you with friends and send you some socks! Love you!

    1. :D bwahahah, excellent. I'll try and anticipate my route a little more clearly for everyone. The support network is turning out to be quite awesome so far.

  8. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Dream. Discover. -- Mark Twain

    Sam, it is so interesting that in seeking your own answers and inspiration you will be traversing some of the same land your Tidwell ancestors did in order to find their own life's answers and inspiration! Life is a small circle with limitless possibilities and opportunities. You are a strong, brave, amazing young man. We love you and will be so anxious to hear of your experiences, travels, insights, and inspiration! With much love--

    1. Debbie! Hi! I'm glad you got the link to the blog. Grateful for the hugs from far away. I actually met some of your good friends at an event in Monterey County. Turns out they are distant relations!

  9. "How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
    -Anne Frank

    Thank you for improving our world :)

    1. Oh gosh, I'm not improving anything, haha. I'm too small for that. Just getting some exercise :D

  10. Hi Sam when you are in Ark, please come and stay with us, Lori and Mitch ok?

    1. Hey there Lori! My route in the South remains largely undetermined yet because I'm just trying to make sure I get out of freakin' California right now, so I'm glad you messaged me! I'd love to come see you. I'll keep you and Mike on my radar when I'm closer. Thanks for checking the blog out!

  11. no bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings

    William Blake

    trek on sam!

  12. You inspire us all, Sam. We'll all be watching over you and supporting you. We love you!

  13. When the email first came in with the pic of your cart version 1.0, i laughed. I didn't understand the reasons. Out of context, i didn't realize how serious you indeed were at taking on this journey.

    Part of me wishes i was right there in the blisters, the BO, the aching shoulders, glaring sun, and the mind games. Also, the chafing, lets not forget the chafing. But this is your adventure, yours to figure out.

    Two things i wish to offer
    1. People are stronger than they think they are
    2. Learn to enjoy the pain, the harder the better. Smile at it, smile/grimace if that is all can be mustered. Get to know pain and know its presence. What does it look like? What are its features? Hell, offer pain some jerky every now and then.

    And as you walk, know that I am right alongside, bitching about my lack of chocolate croissants and humming a national song. Keep writing because i cant wait to read the stories. And most of all keep walking.

    1. Choooocolate croissaaaaaaants. Fuuuuck, I want one now. You're not missing out on the chafing though... holy crap.

      It's odd not having you at my back, man. If you get a slice of free time, you should come walk with me for a while.

  14. "Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity,,,,
    - john muir

  15. When you are going through hell--keep going. -- Winston Churchill

    Hang in there Sam. We are all thinking of you and wishing you well on your journey. Lots of Love.

  16. We LOVE to read your posts. We feel we are walking right along with you, so I hope you feel it too. You are living your dream. Feel good?

    1. The feeling alternates between euphoria and despair. So, everything balances out!

  17. the voice

    there is a voice inside of you
    that whispers all day long
    "i feel that this right for me,
    I know that this is wrong,"
    no teacher, preacher, parent, friend
    or wise man can decide
    what's right for you--just listen to
    the voice that speaks inside.

    shel silverstein

    i hope you feel our presence!

  18. Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.....
    -Rachel Carson

    Sam, it's true, we all feel as though we are walking with you and hopefully, you feel we are too! Already, you have met amazing people who have done their part to shape your journey and your life. Let me know if you need contacts in the Atascadero area! Much love.

    1. Hey Debbie! Sam camped on the church grounds with permission in Templeton yesterday. Wished he could have made contact with your friend. Tonight he is staying with a friend of Casey Mackin' SLO. And tomorrow with a family friend . Love your posts of encouragement!

    2. Oh, darn! I should have let him know sooner. Of course, there is family in the LA area! So look forward to his posts, not only because they are so interesting but also to know he is safe and well!

    3. No no, my bad. I should have made it clear where I was going. I was just unprepared and so had to deal with it; had a great experience though!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Today you are You,
    that is truer than true.
    There is no one alive
    who is Youer than You.
    -Dr. Suess

  21. Sam
    You continue to amaze and impress us! Cant wait for you to get to the east coast so you can tell your story to my students. Have you told you alma mater that you are doing this - what a great model for alumni!
    Yours Shelly and Steve Heller

    1. Hi Shelly! It's good to hear from you! I will do my best to make it to your side of the states. I think I'll wait to tell my alma mater once I've gotten through a couple states; no sense bragging about it before I've walked very far!

  22. Sam, you are truly an amazing individual, we wish you the best in your journey (literally no aching feet) and figuratively (find the answer as to what is the meaning of life and let us know...just kidding, that is a lot to ask...). We wish you the best and keeping you in our daily thoughts that you have a fun and safe adventure! Uncle Fred, Auntie Carol, Alyssa, Sabrina and Gracie

    1. Hello family! Thanks for your support! I'll send you a postcard from Uncle Ted's, haha.

      Love ya,

  23. there is only one journey. going inside yourself.

    - rainer maroa rilke

  24. "Epic!" Noah says. Ethan started to waive to you while we watched your latest video and then said, "sick! keep trekking, Sam!" We look forward to your next posting. Love, Noah, Ethan, and Auntie Tami (aka Friends in SF).

  25. Hahaha, say hello to everyone for me! I'll be posting again soon.

  26. The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.
    --Don Williams, Jr.

  27. Sam - when will you be in Lancaster, CA? We have a ranch on the east side of town - way east (about 30 miles east of freeway). If you can get this far you are welcome to camp out for a day or two. I think you have met a couple of friends of ours... Gigi Greene and Traci Blaze Rainbolt. Let me know - my email is

  28. Go Sam Go! We'll get you through Cali for sure and maybe all the way>>>>>>> East

  29. The scribblings and the videos are great! I enjoy them immensely. I've started spreading the word to my friends as well--more people are aware of your journey than you think. You're killin it, keep walking!

  30. Dearest Sam,
    I have been following your blog/videos since your mom informed me on 11/15/13 of your awesome adventure! This is a once in a lifetime experience. I'm sure you'll look back with fond memories one day. I saw all the new videos you posted, so I'm all caught up! You're making great progress. I'm living vicariously through you right now. Keep going! Stay strong and travel safely. Have fun and meet some more great people! Love ya, Cousin Terri (Robert and Kevin's mom)

  31. Hi Sam,
    We miss you! You're doing the right thing. That's what you like. Keep going and stay strong. We're proud of you. Keep singing! Love Uncle Johnny and Aunt Janie

  32. Hi Sam,
    I learned a lot of "new" words from your videos and one of them is a 4 letter word!
    Hahaha...Keep singing!
    Love Uncle Johnny : )

  33. SAM...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wish we could share good food drinks and laughter with you today. But we will be there in spirit all day. Big HUGS to you...from Mom and Dad.

  34. Happy birthday Sam!

    Enjoy the day,
    Enjoy the sites!

  35. What a memorable birthday for you Sam! Happy Happy Birthday! See you for your 23rd! : )
    Hugs, Uncle Johnny, Aunt Janie, and Cousin Terri

  36. Happy Birthday, Sam! Hope you enjoyed the day!

  37. Sam! Keep up the good work! I hope you will take a few days off and rest your weary body. A short rejuvenation will do wonders not only for your body but your psyche as well. We're here for you. Big hugs to you.

  38. Blue moth,
    I look at my own surroundings in comparison to yours and you would think it would be easier to meet people in an area where you are brushing past them at the supermarket, or exchanging words at work, but I don't find that to be the case. Meaningful interactions are hard to come by. One almost has to throw themselves in front of others with a schnazy scheme to entice. For me, the scheme has become, "work on being happy with who I am and where I'm at". WeII it hasn't made me a magnet for life-changing social interactions yet, but in the meantime I have moments where I feel solid and free...maybe that's all I can ask for.
    I am sorry you have to deal with sh*tty drivers and never-ending lonely desert roads. It makes me angry that you are near danger because of people's infuriating want for speed and their lack of damn decent courtesy and common sense!!!
    Whenever and wherever you decide to end this journey know that you have brought me much joy. Just thinking of you walking out on this Earth make me smile.
    A couple things: someone told me once to walk as though my feet are massaging the Earth, and on a backpacking trip I was on once I found these words by Thich Nhat Hanh, fulfilling to recite over and over:
    I have arrived
    I am home
    in the here
    in the now
    I am solid
    I am free
    in the ultimate
    I dwell.


    1. p.s. not that your purposeful walking has anything to do with bringing ME joy....It's just triggered that feeling in me.

  39. see if you can find the Cresote plant and break of a piece to smell. It is as big as the coyote bush we have around here, it has hard, oily, yellowish-green leaves, yellow flowers, white whispy seeds, and whitish bark with darker rings. It has a most wonderful uplifting smell.

  40. After one of your last postings Uncle Adam is definitely sending you the solar charger that you keep saying you don't need! Where should we send it? On another note, you made it to one month!! Well, past one month now. Congratulations! So proud of you! ~SF Hellers

  41. Sam......We met your Dad last Friday at a Christmas luncheon in Fresno. He shared with us your story and plans and asked for a link to your blog.....amazing challenge you have given yourself. Stay strong and enjoy all the experiences....we have homes in Phoenix and Nashville,Tn....if you are close and need/want a meal/bed.....let us know

    Reb and Robbin Ferrell

  42. Merry Christmas Sam! We miss you but so glad you'll be with family tonight. Have a very merry holiday and we hope you find a book store in Phoenix!

  43. Great!!!! to read all this great support from your family. One thing, take the time to enjoy it.

    1. Hey Fernando! Thanks for checking in with me! I hope you and your family are happy and well.

  44. Hi Peanut! I relish reading your blogs! If you could take the picture a bit closer my eyes would love it too....minor detail. Love you TONS!

  45. Sam,
    Scott Allen here. I interviewed you for the New Braunfels newspaper. I'll be sure to link the article to your blog once it's published. Anyway, just wanted to say how awesome it is for you to be doing this! I will hopefully one day be doing a similar journey, cross country hiking or biking. You inspire me. I'm going to keep up on your blog and wish you the best of luck in your future travels.
    -Take care

  46. Hi, Sam;
    It was a pleasure meeting and visiting you while here in New Braunfels. Best wishes for the rest of your journey. I think it's great what you are doing. Stay safe, enjoy. I'll be following your journey.
    Take care, Neil Boll, ( Jackie's neighbor )

  47. Hey Sam! I was happy to read you met new friends and slept indoors the night we left you in Shiner. I kept thinking about your damp sleeping bag and the chill in the air. Good that you had fine evening company and sleeping accommodations. Hope the bag has dried out somewhat! miss you! Chris

  48. Hey Sam!! :D Nice Meeting You Here In Winnie Texas. Happy Trails and be safe and all the other people you walk and your friends new and old ones :D

  49. Hey buddy, it's Aaron! Twas a pleasure ta meetcha in Jackson, Alabama!! I hope you continue to have an incredibly fun and safe journey. peace :)

  50. Hi Sam, My name is Jennifer we met today when you came into the grocery store I work at in Thomasville, AL. I was one of the cashiers, I was so amazed at how long you had been on your journey and I wished I would have had time to talk to you more about it, I wish you nothing but the best on your journey and hope you stay safe.

  51. Hi, Sam; keep on keep'n on. A life stretched by new adventure never shrinks to the original size.
    You're almost there. Enjoy and be safe. Neil, (Jackie's neighbor), New Braunfels, Texas.
    I'm sill following you.
